Eddie R.
1 min readMar 15, 2021


Software Dev Journey- Git & Github

Before I began my coding journey with ROOTs Technology I was kind of familiar with Github and very unfamiliar with Git. I had learned already how to upload a template to Github pages using a template. Now that I went through this part of the course I enjoy using Git and Github. I like to be able to track any changes I’ve made to a page as well as using the command line to navigate through files without having to use my mouse. Very cool!

The most challenging part of this module was getting started with Git in all honesty. The command line can be scary at first but this mod this a great job introducing you to it with various tutorials and examples to try out. The most rewarding part of this mod was project 2. I was able to replicate a bootstrap template on my own. It felt good to see everything come together and that I did that!

Roots Technology impact on my learning was huge. I liked how I was able to move from lets say Git to Github and then projects without any guess work and doing endless searches online. I also enjoy how none of my projects are tutorial based. We are given an example of what to do and we have to then go and build it! It’s giving me the confidence I need as I continue to grow as a Software Developer.

